DJH Geometry Node Assets v10

by Blender X / Admin
DJH Geometry Node Assets v10

DJH Geometry Node Assets v10 are a collection of modifiers/custom nodes for Blender that you can import as an asset library.

It is my opinion that it is easy for a GeoNode setup to try and also do too much. My approach to making modifiers is to think of them as tools in a tool box. And while working on you scene you will often use several tools in combination rather than one ‘super-tool.’ Many of my modifiers are simple enough to allow for many generic combinations. While others are individual pieces of a modular set and were specifically built to be used in a stack. 


My hope with these tools is that they will help you to make what you want, because a tool is only useful when using it achieves your result.  With that in mind, I have put a lot of effort into ensuring that only the bare minimum of stylistic or creative choices are hard-coded into the modifiers.  Several of the modifiers require ‘template’ objects or a collection of instances to copy from.  The design and style of these element is up to you and will be transferred to the final mesh.

As to the nodes themselves, some were made as solutions to specific problems. Such as modeling plants or buildings. Many of them are setups that I caught myself making and remaking in multiple files. Whenever that happens, I try to make note of it as a good potential asset.  Most of the nodes in the collection were extracted from my own project files, with a few (or many) features added. Also each node is a tool that I have found useful for creating something, at some point in time.

The collection currently contains 65 nodes, which range from debug tools.

Due to my interest in Tech-Art for games, most of my nodes also create exportable UVs and avoid solutions that require high poly counts.

You can download DJH Geometry Node Assets v10 for free by link below!

The material is provided for reference and informational purposes only. Support the author by purchasing a course from him!

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